Anasayfa / Information About Cyprus Climate

Information About Cyprus Climate


Information About Cyprus Climate

Northern Cyprus is located in a climate zone defined as 'semi-arid' according to the macro climate classification. At the same time, since it is a Mediterranean island, it is characterized by a typical Mediterranean climate where the summer months are hot and dry and the winter months are mild and rainy. The annual average air temperature is 19.0 °C. The hottest month is usually July, where daytime temperatures (in the shade) range from 37.0°C to 40.0°C. The coldest month is usually January, daytime temperatures are between 9.0°C and 12.0°C and frost events may occur in the inland areas.

In Northern Cyprus, rainfall is generally concentrated in the October - March period and the average annual rainfall (1941 - 70) is 402.8 mm. While December is the rainiest month, July and August are the driest months.

Winds generally blow from different directions depending on the local topography, but the dominant wind direction throughout Northern Cyprus is the West. The annual average wind speed is 2.8 m/sec.

Since it is an island country, the sunshine duration is quite high in Northern Cyprus. While the daily sunshine duration is on average 12 hours in the summer months, this value is around 5 hours on average in the winter months. The average daily amount of solar energy throughout the year is 417.3 cal/cm2. The highest solar energy is in July, with a daily average of 622.2 cal/cm2, and the least solar energy is in December, with a daily average of 214.5 cal/cm2.

The average sea water temperature is 21.3 °C. The highest sea water temperature is around 27.0 °C - 28.0 °C in July and August.